Orange tree, raspberry plants and dirt.... wait I still have lemon tree seedlings to baby!

Good morning folks!  Today I thought I would sleep in.. so I did until 0730.  That's when my darling grand-daughter arrived for her half day of babysitting. It is Saturday and I do have to work outside the home today. So it helps when the little one joins our two girls for a morning of "mommy can you not go today?".  This is always hard on the girls they really hate when I leave to go to work.  No matter how much I tell them the grandmas and grandpas need me, it does no good. In their little eyes they need me more.  It is true, but I am the worker bee in this hive. So I must go. My mom sent me a magnet that read "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go".  It is true but one day we will be debt free.

The highlight of the morning has been watering the fruit trees and finding that FedEx arrived and dropped of my new plants!  My DH rushed the box in from outside, we unpacked it and took it all to the greenhouse for now. My order consists of 3 raspberry shrubs, one blackberry shrub, one blueberry bush and an orange tree and a coffee bean plant...Yes I am crazy! I haven't even gotten an apple to grow here!  But I have high hopes!

June is my no-spend month.  So luckily these were ordered in May and receiving them might help curtail my desire to spend money on stupid stuff.  The hardest part for me is leaving the house...if, well when I do I always find something we need.  If I can stay home then I don't spend.  Ok, that is not entirely true I have to stay off of the internet too lol! I shall try to bury myself in projects around the house that can be done without spending over and above the monthly bills we have.  That is to include groceries. I think if I am creative in my thinking we should only have to shop for milk and bread and a few fresh veggies.
 During one of our "science, creation" unit studies we decided to try and sprout kiwi seeds. It worked, however, unlike our Creator, I am not the best caretaker.  I forgot to keep them moist one week when my work schedule was quite hectic and well, they dried up.
 So I moved on to something a little safer! A friend of mine was expecting this past winter and so I decided to crochet her this little diaper set.  She had commented on how she had wanted to copy a bunny hat that she had seen somewhere. Unfortunately I did not ever get to see the bunny hat but came up with this little set instead.  I also don't write directions to what I make therefore I cannot replicate it exactly.
 The cotton tail was a whim but it made the diaper cover kinda cute :)
 I wasn't sure how I wanted to fasten the cover but since it is just for looks not really protective buttons seemed the best option.
 I really had a time trying to pick the right button, but in the end I went with the flower.
 Here is the front view below.  The fluffy inside the ears was another area that was hard to choose what material to use.
 I thought it came out cute, but then again I am prejudice!
 Crocheting, or yarning as my kids have always called it, keeps me out of the stores when funds are low.  Back in the early '80's when my first bunch were little there were no "extra" funds.  That's when yarn was reasonably priced and the days seemed filled with projects to do.  Crocheting and gardening have always been calming for me.  A way to take out a few minutes to have relative peace and quiet, alone with my thoughts.... wait a minute that can be a scary place when you start thinking about all that needs to be done!

With that I will close this post and get ready to go out into the rat race and make my way past all the garage sales and big box stores to take care of the grandmas and grandpas that live in the building that I call work.


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