Summer home school, wind, birthday presents.... naps

Summer may not seem like the best time to home school, after all it is usually warm and plenty of folks take vacation during this time.  But here in Colorado the wind blows in what seems to be a constant manner so it doesn't always seem warm. So for our girls, school on those really windy days really just seems like a good way to be entertained!  And windy days can be good for several things, field trips, science projects like flying kites or watching just how the birds handle their flights on those days.

Some days are very good for gathering chicken eggs while the hen house is being renovated.  The chickens are in their outside shelter so they have to lay their eggs "where ever".
Little Miss received this very cute "egg" apron from "Auntie" for her birthday. She has wanted to go gather eggs every day since!

 Today is the day she got to gather eggs. She thought there were just three eggs in this spot... but there were seven!
 In the pocket the egg goes! The apron has five pockets to hold eggs. Two of those pockets can hold two eggs each. So there was just enough room for her haul!
 She was very careful to place the eggs gently in the pocket.
 Got to gather all of them!
 Safe and sound in the pockets!
 Unless of course you take one out to inspect it further! Oops! At least this happened outside!
Unfortunately, she still has sensory needs that relate to the Autism spectrum and partly just being a little kid! She really enjoys the feeling of messy stuff on her hands!

Today we are heading out to get a birthday gift for one of our friends. His birthday is Saturday and he is all boy! His mom says "anything" will be what he likes.... I need more direction as the girls will want to get him the latest Barbie! I sent a text to the birthday kid's mom and she generously replied with a list and this statement... "Anything he can use to beat up his little brother he will like!"

Tomorrow I will post pictures of the chosen gifts.  We actually bought for the little brother too since his birthday is in August and then we won't have to go out and shop again!

Thanks for stopping by!


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