Posting the day after... for sanity's sake!

As I think of something creative to make for supper the little munchkins decide they want pizza.  OK, I think to myself, I have a tube of refrigerator croissants and sauce and cheese, this should be fine.  Roll the dough out of the tube, let the oldest spread the sauce, throw some cheese on and bake that puppy.  Ten or so minutes later it is ready and no one wants the cheese on it, only one wants to even think of trying it. And the other two want grilled cheese sandwiches… That was the theme of my whole day!  No one wanted whatever was being served or played or anything!  The day is over and the little ones fell asleep quite quickly.  This mama was too tired after a quick kitchen tidy up job to do anything other than crash into the pillow.  Of course that sound of my head hitting the pillow was heard by a QMap at my work who promptly called with a diabetic urgency.  Luckily it was the kind that was high instead of low.

Fast forward to the next day… or today in my reality.  This is my second day of the work week but it will be my fourth day of showing up to my work place.  I often find that I am needed during the day shift on Monday and/or Tuesday to follow up on something occurred over the weekend.  On those days I choose to show up in street garb, take care of the issue at hand and go on with my life as I know it.  Unfortunately that means even my time off revolves around my work.  Today, before I go in, I would like to get all the clothes folded that were washed and get them put away.  This may sound over ambitious but I also need dinner ready for tonight.  And I need to plant the raspberry bushes that I purchased before they dry up and die L.  If there is 15 minutes left before I go I will try to transplant two or three of my lemon seedlings.

It is clear already this morning that there will be no post today.  Dear seven-year old has already had two meltdowns and it is barely 0730.  Breakfast today is eggs and toast and toast and toast… somehow the toast isn’t right for the two little ones and it gets remade and remade.  The ringleader needs to have a hug and reassurance that even though she threw all the toys on the floor and some of my freshly folded items, I still love her.  I do love her, I do not like the meltdowns!

With a deadline of noon looming at me I try to get some of the items on my morning to do list accomplished.  All the buckets that I picked up from the Costco bakery are rinsed out and drying.  Almost all of the clothes are folded.  One more load from the line to go.  The tomato plants are replanted and in the greenhouse and the raspberry bushes are moved to their future home area in the back yard by the clothesline.  (If we just knew where one shovel might be…) The kitchen table is almost cleared off and the potatoes are peeled and in the pot for tonight’s dinner. Next is gather all the dirty dishes from around the house and dress the girls for the day.  It is 1030 now so I might even get the floor in the kitchen and dining area swept.  YAY!

The ringleader has her followers again and they are all “pretty ponies”.  So while they enjoy the trampoline in the “coolness” of the morning, I will finish my coffee and plan my strategy for the morning chores.


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