Birthday fun and those diaper pic's!

Good morning  I say to my co workers at 0130 in the morning... only to find out that my shift has been cancelled and I am the last to know about it! If there were stores open all night I would have gone grocery shopping.  In our area they have started closing at midnight instead of being open 24 hours a day.  One wonders if they closed because of a lack of customers at that time of night or an increase in the "homeless" population since our state legalized marijuana. Either way, this is good for me as it cuts down on impulse buys and on convenience shopping.  There are also no restaurants open either so no impulse eating ... well unless you count McDonald's and Burger King or an occasional Taco Bell that stays open until 1 or 2 am. There are clubs and bars where you can sit down but no coffee places where I might feel comfortable enough to stay a while that late at night. 

So I begin to drive the 35 miles home along a two lane highway thinking about how my DH worries about me traveling this road with drunks and people who are high. I look at all the makeshift memorials along the sides of the road as I go, some have solar lights others just barely visible inside the reach of my headlights, are simple crosses decorated and plain.  A harsh reminder that not one day of life is promised to anyone.

Once home I try to lie down and go back to sleep... unfortunately the effects of the 20 ounce Dr. Pepper that I drank to "wake up" to go to work, are in full force! I text my friend who just had a baby three weeks ago... she might be awake too.  It is fifteen minutes before I get a text back saying "sleep well".
Isn't she cute! That is the first
time I got to hold her with my crazy schedule she is 2 weeks 5 days in this picture
Below is a picture of one her diapers I made. They are so tiny just like her!

Now if mama would have sent a text quicker I could have stopped to hold her for a minute :) But we had gone to a friend's birthday party earlier the day before so I was tired but just a little wired from the caffeine.

First you push them on the swing.....
Then you try another swing.....
 Then on to the Pinata.......
 These little kids can really pack a punch!
Poor Pinata! Good thing someone brought duct tape....It fixes everything!!!


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