Chaos vs More Chaos,

Chaos! This is a daily event at the yellow house. Just when I think I am getting up waaay ahead of the rest of the house... the five year old notices and the day begins with a bang. A bang and a crash and of course a spill. Good Morning! And where is my phone... again I am perplexed at how I can put something in a spot or so I think I did. I had it when I got up, even sent some messages this morning. My best guess is that it has been taken by a small child and not to be surrendered until dead.

The new set up of having the two tower computers in the kitchen for the kids to do "work" on is not working out that well. So today I am rearranging ... again. I miss the dining room table so off with the computers and back to school desks for those. The games are going back into the cabinet where they were stored before and a lock is going on the door when I am not here to supervise. There are two 2.5 gallon zip lock bags with game pieces in them from the last two "sessions" with DH watching them while they played board games.

Here it is the end of a long, peaceful day... sort of my patient called the police again today and then called me and stated she is filing a report of attempted first degree murder against me.  (Maybe that will get me a day off? And why did I ever give her my home phone number?!?!?) But all in all it has been peaceful. The computers were moved so each kid has a work station now. All though only one is picking up the printer... that is okay Most of the work can be done online. My son got the new mouse working on the old machine and that is good. The old machine is still on vista and the new ones are on windows 8 and 10.

Of course in all of this fun I still have not found my cell phone... if I find it I will text my boss and take the day at least the morning part off since my 2-10 qmap called off and that leaves me to pass pills. But I did get my kitchen table back! 5 loads of laundry washed and hung out to dry. All the eggs boxed and delivered. That's progress!!! 


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