When your escape plan is foiled...

It was a cold morning to start out and only got worse... reference a former post with warm weather and it makes the day seem even colder. But I had a plan or so I thought. I had a plan yesterday too... that didn't work out so hot.. but that was a different circumstance all together. Based one the events of yesterday at work I went home and got a little crazy with the "cooking". I think it is one way I am able to de-stress and I NEEDED to de-stress!
 My first thought yesterday morning before anything happened was "I am going to make egg noodles for dinner tonight" I actually thought about it very early in the morning so it lingered :)
Egg noodles are a found memory from childhood and they aren't hard to make just a bit time consuming. When my grandmother lived with us she would make them for us. She baked a lot it seemed like any way. She made a biscuit like treat called "bukti" some of them she filled with cottage cheese and others with jelly. But I digress, tonight is about noodles...
 Of course I thought the noodles should have some chicken with them so I made chicken gravy to top the noodles... when the littles asked what's for dinner I replied very happily "homemade noodles and chicken gravy and veggies"!
 Then after the complaining died down I made the requested chicken and dumplings without the chicken and a pan of chicken noodle soup with chicken that was missing from the dumplings.... :(
 They both ate happily ever after... or at least last night and the noodles were moved to tonight menu and served with pork chops, broccoli and corn. Of which neither girl ate any they settled for leftovers from yesterday.
noodles anyone?
The reason tonight was so boring was because I had planned to egress closer to noon. Then it dawned on me that I had IL meeting at 3pm so leaving early was off the table. Then another member of the team became sick and could not do his part of the meeting so that landed on my plate and that was okay, I was staying any way.
Then I thought I will escape after that! Not to happen.. when I returned to my office there were 3 residents that needed my attention and mine alone. And a care conference that required my attendance and a room scuffle that needed to be settled.

As I attempted to eave the building my supervisor wanted 25 minutes of my time... I should have given it to him because once I went back to the office to gather my things... more stuff fell in my lap and by 530pm I made it out the door with a whole basket of guilt to carry with me.
School work awaits me and she is eager to do some tonight I better jump on that opportunity! I'll post the results tomorrow oh sometime this year!


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