Jay Jay the jet plane and the list goes on...

With Halloween just days away Thanksgiving can't be far behind.  Of course that leaves you know what closer than you are probably prepared for. At least it does me. I haven't even purchased or made costumes for the kids. The plan was to go to Goodwill this evening because Tuesday is military day. But the best laid plans of mice and men and moms... Luckily Wednesday is old people day! So we are good!

Speaking of Goodwill, I went there with the little that I was babysitting on Monday. We found a coffee table! Okay it was not a coffee table and it was too big for our little living room. But we bought it anyway. I had too! What else could I have done? It came with six airplanes! Who could say no to six airplanes in a too small living room? Obviously not me! So now in the living room is Jay Jay the Jet plane play table and six airplanes.

Today was one of my two days off from babysitting. Not much got done but I did make biscuits and sausage gravy from scratch. It didn't bring me the joy it could have or would have in the past. Perhaps I have just outgrown this phase of life and store bought is so much easier. Pricier but easier for sure!

Think I better go play with the airplanes, maybe I'll feel better.

Today I took time to ponder what games and toys I really enjoyed as a child. It was in an effort to think about what to get the girls. I have done some shopping already a few things here and there. But with the house just burning down after Christmas last year they have had a lot of things replaced over the summer so it seems getting more may not be the answer. 

Really if you looked around our home today it would be hard to recognize that they lost every toy they owned just ten months ago. So it seems a little silly to buy even more stuff. However, I really did enjoy the silly game "Don't Spill the Beans!".  Number 4 and I had talked about only homemade gifts between the kids. This leaves the older kids potentially getting potholders made on a loom or something in play dough... 

The adults already skip the gifts and just have a good time getting together and swapping stories and food. So we are covered there. Thanksgiving is going to be at number six's home and with any luck Christmas might be at ours.

But this is rushing the season we need to get through Halloween! I have never enjoyed this holiday and that hasn't changed much over the years. The kids do though and we try to make "happy" not scary costumes. So I don't have nightmares! This will be the first time since getting married that I will actually need to have candy for trick or treaters! 

The girls wanted to make decorations for the yard UGH! That is the last thing I want to do! But we started by filling empty milk jugs with water. Some with orange colored water some with clear. We then drew faces with eyes and mouths for pumpkins and ghosts. Then we added glow sticks for the nighttime glow. DH highly disapproved stating are we so poor we cannot buy decorations?

So fine I was trying to keep the kiddos busy and doing something other than whining and now it is about what?! I just bought an airport for heavens' sake! It is about the holiday not money!


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