Hold the high ground!... Or else!

Today was an unusual day, even for my world. Yesterday after physical therapy I actually and some relief from the pain. So deciding that the kids were tired too, we turned in early for bed. It was then I realized that the relief was very noticeable. As I drifted off to sleep I was kicked in the side by a seven-year old climbing into my bed. That was the beginning of a very long night with little sleep.

Within an hour the nine-year old was up and couldn't get back to sleep so she had to talk... and talk and talk. Finally about midnight she dozed back off. Within an hour DH decided to finally come to bed and was actually very quiet in doing so. It was the silence of the television that woke me up that time. Somehow the lack of hearing the music to "Jaws" seemed wrong.

I looked over to his side of the bed and sure enough he was asleep. I got up and checked on the couch child and covered her back up. As I returned to my half of the king-size bed it was obvious the younger child had been waiting impatiently for me to move so that she could overtake the mattress. There was absolutely no room left for me in this bed. I was not sleeping in a recliner again! I wish I could say that I ever gently moved that little sleeping baby... but I just rolled her as best I could, shoved a pillow between her and I and held my ground!

Eventually she moved closer to the middle of the bed and I was able to relax... except then I noticed that DH was about to fall off his side of this huge bed! Again, I  get up and lift his legs back into the bed and run quickly back to my side as the young one is trying to stretch her wings again! The next thing I know it is 0630 and three kids are due to come over for babysitting.

I was able to meet up with the son of my resident and hoped to help him get things settled. We drove to my old work and out of courtesy to my former employer we stopped at his office to inform him of my presence in his building. He was not in his office. A maintenance man approached, we hugged, exchanged pleasantries and he said he would let the boss know I was here. He then took the son up to his mother's apartment so he could get started sorting her things. I waited for permission to be there.

I wandered into the business office so I wouldn't be readily seen. After a few minutes I asked the medical records person to walk me to the front door so that I had a witness to my whereabouts while inside. As I crossed the street and approached my car a familiar voice called my name. It was the boss calling me back over. 

Returning to the door of the building I explained that the son requested that I go help him. To my surprise, he said of course! I went back in the building with him and then up to the apartment to assist. No mention of the silly text, no scolding, no inquisition... nothing, he didn't even come to the room to give condolences but whatever, at least he didn't interfere.


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