Tuesday is the most important day .....

For some reason I make appointments for myself and something comes up and I don't get to keep the appointment for whatever reason. Tomorrow I had a scheduled appointment and poor DH just melted down insisting that he had told me of the most important meeting ever for weeks and I needed to be there. So in order to keep the peace the appointment has been changed.

Going out with friends is not a regular activity for me. So when I was afforded the opportunity to go the a real restaurant I jumped on it! Of course in the middle of meal is when I received the desperate call requesting my presence at the "important" meeting that I have no memory of being told about.

Enough whining for this evening. Wait, no it isn't my cell phone was acting wacky all weekend and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. So back to the phone store today to get it "fixed". It works again, who knows for how long but at least I was able to get some messages today.

I enjoyed lunch out with no little kids in tow. It felt weird but I enjoyed it. After lunch I went to the registry and signed up for work. Well attempted to sign up, I need two  more documents and then I will be all good. Not sure I will actually work but I will be registered if I need to pick some up. Then off to pick the kiddos up at school. 

The oldest was working on a meltdown, didn't seem like sensory but it probably was. Spectrum kiddos can sometimes hold it together well at school and then in the safety of home realize how overwhelmed they are. This is where a "calm-down" corner can be handy if you can get to it fast enough. Driving home from school isn't fast enough.

Hurtful words are often hurled at siblings without understanding why they are doing it. Other signs include crying uncontrollably when nothing has happened in the recent moments to provoke it. If we can get home and find something of comfort things can revert quickly to the "norm". Which to outsiders isn't normal at all. It always leaves me wondering how the younger one feels when sissy is in this state. Outwardly she is sympathetic most times, but how is she inside?

Other times she abruptly has the "meltdown syndrome" once the older one has calmed. Attention seeking behavior for sure. It can tear the little bit of calm to shreds in seconds. Things must be "fair" unfortunately life isn't and that cannot be helped. 

I'm tired now and it is late and the 2 year-old is scheduled to arrive early tomorrow. So I will close and hope for some rest tonight. Good Night blog world.


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