Saturday, Sunday, Monday..... then two days of no babysitting!!!!!!

It is Saturday and that may not seem all that important, but as a child it meant no school and all the good cartoons on television... all morning. Surprisingly, as an adult it still means no school but why would I care? This is why... Because number 9 and 10 don't have school. Today is the first day that I realized they don't rush to the television for cartoons like we did.

Of course with Netflix and no real local channels available without connecting to cable they haven't been introduced to them. But still they hardly sit through an animated show anyway. Most of today has been the 9 year-old acting out and trying to melt down. It has not been a fun day per Se.

We were supposed to go have banana splits with a friend in celebration of her new refrigerator. Hey one needs to celebrate when one can! Yet three out of five people in this house do not want to do the work required to get ready to go. One out of five is not willing to do it all herself. 

Finally, about 1300, two more were willing to get ready to go out the door. Three problems arose from this... first and the most important at the time was that the 2 year-old decided it was nap time and was fast asleep. That alone changed the course of the afternoon.

The second and third problems were mine alone, I could not find a car key to a car that would seat all the kiddos.. legally that is. By the time the little one woke up I had found the party van key, but I was shy a wallet.

Oh well worse things could go wrong.....


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