
Today started very early and came in like a freight train. Kids didn't sleep well and today is picture day at school. Am I ready? No, spectrum kids do things on their own schedule not the school's, not yours. I woke at 0520 and remembered that they had wore the outfits that were originally set aside for this picture day. I also remembered that I had no yogurt for lunches. So I made a Wal-Mart run.

It was nice to be focused and not have kids in tow. But I did have a timeline. So wandering the store is not really an option. I checked out with yogurt, milk, cookies, 2 shirts to go with the pants I had already picked up, elastic, straight pins, and 3 teacher gifts I found for Christmas. Oh and a Sprite. That impulse purchase should have been left behind. :( But no worries, it won't go to waste. 

Oh I also picked up 2 small chips for the kids lunches. So that's how I run my card up so fast! And wander on a time budget! I got home and made breakfast, packed lunches, dressed kids and number six showed up to save the day on the hairdo's! So the kiddos were off to school with clean faces and nicely combed hair.

So the freight train was a success! Now to corral the dogs and bathe them as they have been running around in rain and mud puddles!

And I bought chicks! Because I don't have enough to do, that's why LLL!!!


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