Wednesday catch up...

It's seems like forever since I have written anything for the blog. It seems that way because it is that way. Summer is here and not much has been accomplished toward the move-in. I have discovered that it is not worth it to avoid getting a new phone. I was very upset at the loss of my other phone... and a watermelon. I found the watermelon but never the phone.

But using an old phone has resulted in fairly poor service. I cannot get calls out east and numbers keep going to the spam folder. Not on purpose and without the help of small people. Back to catching up!

Lots has happened, my friend came out to move another friend to Michigan and wound up getting married while here. My son and DIL came out and are still here helping us with all there is to do, and that is a ton of stuff. They have to go back in a week and help my folks with things around their house that had to be left alone because of the virus. Not to mention actual paying work that needs to be done.

Saturday the 10 year-old fell off her scooter and broke a clavicle. At our follow up they decided against surgery and said it should heal okay it is only a "little bit overlapped". So in two weeks we go back for a progress x-ray and go from there. I feel like a one armed nurse in a psyche ward in the meantime. No matter which house I am in there is an "echo" to the word "mom". As soon as one kid says it they all need something.

My daughter said at her house she didn't ask for help doing anything! Of course, my SIL told her, when she asked for a drink, "your shoulder is broke not your legs or your other arm, get up and get it yourself". I tried the same line and was confronted with tears. From the "pain" of course. Perhaps I should say I feel like a cow, as I am being "milked".

Plants in the garden are struggling in the heat. We are doing our best to keep them going in hopes to have some kind of produce at the end of summer. Several great ideas were thrown around for cold frames and garden beds. Hopefully we can implement some of them before the season is in full bloom. 

Our new fruit trees are getting new leaves! That's exciting since so few things take to the soil out east. The kiddos are bored out of their minds and nothing seems to alleviate the boredom. It is very hard to live in two places and try to maintain all there is to take care of and hold boredom at bay!

Most of the tomato plants are surviving but they are in the falling down greenhouse. So they have some protection from the heat and wind. The strawberries are cozy under the tree in the garden and the artichoke plants and rhubarb are doing okay.

As for the peanuts, zucchini, watermelon and summer squash they are barely hanging in with the heat. I surrounded each mound of plants with straw bales and I soak those with water along with the ground. I do this in hopes of keeping them cooler with the evaporating water from the straw.

I better close as it is "milking" time!

PS I will try to find more pictures... things look a little better than these pictures show.


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