Off and Running

As early as today came so did the storms. My friends were still packing and loading the U-Haul when I arrived at their apartment this morning. They had made great progress the day before, but like any large move nothing gets done exactly as planned. Doing all this with 3 small children underfoot is even more fun. Their convoy is three vehicles long and they are taking the northern route. 

Ideally they could get there in less than 36 hours, however, note the previous paragraph. Three of them, odds are in the adults favor by 2, but still there are 3 of those littles on board. Last check they are still in Colorado but at the northeast corner of it. 

It was hard to see them go but things will be better for them in Michigan. They will have a house instead of an apartment for a third of the cost. They will have friends and family to lean on when needed and a support network for the 3 little ones. Makes me want to pack up and go too. 

But not today, I have too much to leave behind, grandkids, and dogs. That kind of thing. It seems like a day of rest with the rain and no company. But tomorrow is a different story, in-person church and a birthday party for another friend's child. Kind of like life is back to normal in this town. Just when I was starting to enjoy isolation... :(

I encouraged my friend as she embarks on her first child snatching adventure. Those little ones are now her grandchildren whether legally or not. She is taking the family into her family and she will be all the richer for it. Taking the whole family is more adventurous than me and my one or two at a time.

Well here it is the end of the day and I have not done that much. Dishes, yes, sewing, yes, cooking, no. DH just called and he headed out to the new house to do some work there in the cool of the evening. We were waiting on his return to do some other things but that's okay the girls' and I can redirect.

Maybe I could even convince number 10 that going out to water at our new house is a good idea! I have been trying for 3 hours. She just wants to stay home. I get it. We leave early every day and this place has been home for a year. I'm sure the plants will live... actually I am not sure but I have work to do here. So she wins!


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