The Brakes are On!

The kiddos put the brakes on any travel out east the last two days... well any travel with them together that is. They have been really in to playing with the neighbor kids here and traveling an hour each day to the new house cuts into the time they get with their friends.

That has allowed me a little time to do a few things here in the little house. Not earth changing things but more "catch-up" things.  I put 3 boxes into the car for the trip out east. I will need to water what is left of my garden after the most recent hail storm. I also need to order a skylight for the camper, or I could just enjoy the free fall rain as a shower the next time it rains. It also damaged the awning material over the slide out section so there is a bit of repair needed there too.

As far as progress on the house... there has been quite a bit. All that is left are the banisters to the second floor and backfilling of the dirt around the house and the downspouts to the gutters. Gutters were hung on Sunday. Downspouts will be done today, hopefully. Once the banisters are hung on the stairwell the inside items should be completed. Of course the inspector may see things differently.

The plan now is to call for an inspection next week.... boy have I heard that a lot! Well time to close for now and get the kiddos in the car.


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