Just Another Manic Monday.... wait it was Thursday

What a crazy day yesterday turned out to be! First I did not get started on time. Then things were a little chaotic with the kids swimming at my daughter's house. I forgot sunscreen and she had some but did not apply fast enough. Number 9 is second only to a cooked lobster and even then the comparison is a close call on who is redder.

Then heading to Costco on the westside of town, the AC went out on the van. Thankfully it is one where all the windows come down. That caused a change in plans on taking the dogs out east as one thinks it's cool to jump out windows of the car. After leaving Costco with the desired item for the house out east I realized I forgot the bottled water request for the wedding. 

So into the Costco on the eastside of the town for that and then home to check on pups before leaving to head east. The house was 95 degrees when I arrived so turning on the water to the cooler was a necessity even if it overflows. At that point it was starting to lightning and thunder to the northwest so I headed back to get the girls out of the pool. An hour or so visiting and we were on our way.

Once we made it out east we were able to water the plants and visit with DH and then load the car with what needed to go back to town. I dropped the girls at my other daughter's house in order to attend the wedding. 

I was the first one to arrive at the park so it was my job to locate the "facilities". Okay I made it my job. In all these travels for the day I had my phone plugged into a charger in the car. The little red light was lit but my phone steadily drained. While out east I plugged it in to the wall and was able to get it up to 16%. On arrival to the park the phone is at 9%. 

So frustrating! I determined that the cord I had was bad so I took the one from the house. Made sense after all the little red light was lit so the charger itself is okay. It hit me at that point to look for another charger in the car. Bingo it was the charger! Why did I not look for the little lightening symbol sooner?! Ditzy, that's why!

Problem solved for the moment. Then it is back to pick up kids at 2030 and go home to some very lonely dogs who attack on entry to the little house. Kiddos to bed and drop like a rock myself.


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