More delays...

Today was to be the big day. It turned out to be a big day alright... make that a big list day. There were at least 21 things on the list that the inspector said had to be done before an "occupancy certificate" could be issued. None of these things was ever mentioned by any inspector up to this point.

Discouraging at best but we will get there. Part of the list is kind of stupid to me but it is "regulations" per the inspector. The handrails to the basement are one inch lower than the regulation height... hello I am short and they are perfect for me. Also, the step height is 2" shorter than "regulation" again, I have bad knees and this helps me tremendously.

The second floor does not have a door. I guess he failed to notice that it also does not have walls. Or perhaps that is okay. Then again maybe they are waiting until the return inspection to complain about that. I digress, I really don't mean to be bitter but multiple times we requested a list of what is required and were told "oh it's good, you're almost there". Oh and here's the silliest requirement yet. The landing at the bottom of the basement steps is 1/2" short of the requirement... It isn't a landing it is part of the floor of the basement that isn't finished yet. But apparently you must have a landing. And it must be 38" square.

I will be out east every morning at 7 am to get some of the minor stuff done while DH will have to handle the big stuff. This good though as my dying plants will get attention and the littles will be outside and basically we will live there... except at night. 

Time to make dinner and get the littles in the bath.


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