How to become disorganized without even trying...
It was supposed to be another quiet day today, it wasn't but that is becoming the norm around here. My chickens don't even recognize me, the dogs think they live here alone, the neighbors are getting used to hearing me fall and that is just the beginning.
This time the fall hurt worse than on the 9th. of the month. I think both caught me by surprise but I was moving faster before this fall than the last one. Falling contributes to disorganization in a way that can only be experienced first hand. When you ache all over you move less and have less desire to get things in order. Add to that having others (2 and 4 legged) that do not keep things neat. Presto! Disorganization takes over.
Today DH had a wound vac placed over the surgical site, tomorrow we go in for a needle aspiration of the site to remove the fluid that has built up and have it tested for any signs of infection. Praying there isn't any as it would mean going back in and cleaning it out. Did I mention anesthesia is not our friend?
Each morning I make a list now of things to get done. Not everything is achieved but at least at the end of the day I can remember what needs to be done the next day. Thanks to my daughter the homeschooling is still on track, she has been diligent in keeping the girls learning through all of the interruptions that have occurred.
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