Wow it has been a week from....

 I am not sure where the time went but it is gone. Our fun at the hospital is in the past or so I think. Tomorrow I take DH in for bloodwork and his wallet has been missing for a week now. Trying to replace documents is a pain. As I sit and write this post I realize that I do not know where my ID card is. So this will be a very short post as I will need it to get either one of us on base.

Frazzled is the term that comes to mind when I think of how I feel this week. Nothing is done that should be. Not only do I not know what day it is most of the time, I cannot stay focused as I am pulled left and right by the people I love and they do not even realize how stressed I am. In fact, I am not sure I even know!

Well instead of writing about all this frustration and frazzled state I am in I must close and go find the documents that I am missing. Good night blog and rest well... someone needs to.


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