She is here!

 Kalyse arrived screaming and fighting and weighing in at 1pound 5.7ounces! Prior to her arrival I am sure that DH broke the record for length of time in recovery at 3.5 hours for a 100 minute operation. 

Let's start with a picture of little Kalyse! I wish I could rotate it so it shows better but it is what it is and below you can see her grasp her dad's finger. She and mama are doing well but support aunt and dad both ran fevers and were kicked out of the hospital today so her maternal gramma (April) is there to be with mama as baby was finally delivered via cesarean 80 hours after her waters broke.
Between the record stay in recovery and the baby finally making her debut... My doggies had lunch... or a snack... well let's just say they tried to eat the couch....

Either they were very hungry or very frustrated at being left alone. So today was spent trying to fix the damage and hope for no more tantrums!
A quick but expensive couch cover and you can barely notice the damage! This time when I left to pick DH up from the hospital I put the dogs in the kennels. With everyone home and DH safely sitting in a chair I thought I would unload the car and then let the dogs out of the kennels... It was then that my 8 year old informed me that the water doesn't work. Omgoodness! Not sure what else could go a wry! 

Of course I know what is next... someone has to go down into the well house, under the gazebo and figure out what is wrong. Guess who thinks he should do that! Yes, yes he does and out he hobbled to the gazebo with an angry nurse on his tail. He actually had the nerve to tell me I don't need to do it he will be fine... I should have let him try. That's all I am going to say. Tomorrow I refuse to chase him and his walker around the yard again. I will also video it for his surgeon if he does it again!

Between all that there were more things to deal with but for now I pulled out the emergency water supply and I will draw a bucket of water out of the pool to flush toilets with. I will also call the neighbor in the morning as he is a well driller. With that  I am going to bed.

Good night...


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