Another exhausting day...

It started early and continued every two hours or so throughout the night. Almost like a newborn feeding schedule. As the nerve blocks and pain meds wore off the night got more challenging. To say he may have overdone it wouldn't justice to the way the day went. I warned him at 0230 when he woke for the second time that I would leave early to get the grandchild, put out the trash barrel at the other house and buy water at the store in town.

As the little one and I returned home the sun rose gloriously! It was beautiful and serene. It was the only peaceful moment of the day! 

Everyone was up when I returned and DH was getting ready for work... yup hasn't worked in 9 years but today he was going to go, in gym shorts, one sock and one sandal (not on the same foot either), no shirt. I remember going that way to work... NOT.

Not one lick of school work was done today. The well guy came over and got us setup with temporary water supply until a new pressure tank can be installed. It is nice to friends in wet places... Most of the day was spent trying to make sense of DH's ramblings, keeping him safe outdoors and then it hit me the hallucinations that he gets every time he has general anesthesia were back. Usually he stays at least two days in the hospital but this time the plan was not for general anesthesia at all. They could not do the planned anesthesia so he got put under. Made for an interesting but long day.
For an hour he sat in this chair and opened the door and closed it he also kept taking down the addition chart that is attached with Velcro to the back side. He would fall asleep intermittently. The poster seemed to fascinate him as it he would pull it down, drop it, then he would stare at it, fall asleep and then I would put the poster back on the door and then we would play again when he awoke.

When the well guy showed up he decided to exit the building and go out to "talk" to him. I couldn't keep up with him and the kids so I alternated who got attention and hoped for the best. I just tucked him in and now I shall close and hit the hay myself.

Good night... I hope...


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