Time to make pumpkin doggie treats!

 Pumpkin doggie treats... sounded good but I had an early morning appointment for the youngest on Friday.  I hoped to get them made that afternoon but that didn't happen. When I arrived home the two big dogs escaped and the delivery truck had dropped the part for my washer on the porch. Washer repair will prevent doggie treats from being made. Big dogs escaping will prevent washer repair until caught. 

This week has made it clear to me that one big or heavy project done in any one day is all we can do. Yesterday it was putting the brackets on the pool frame. So where does that leave me for the rest of the projects around here?

I am not sure at this point. Perhaps a list, with the priorities clarified, would be helpful. Knowing me I would probably lose the list. The washer will be somewhere near the top. 

Today I also start the third pair of slippers. I just need to locate a box of yarn that is here somewhere... The impeller that they sent does not appear to be the same size as the the one I need to remove. However until I find a long flat head screwdriver I will not know for sure.

Most of today has been spent looking for a tool to do this job with. There is no tool to be found. As I resigned myself to waiting until tomorrow to go and buy a big enough screwdriver I received a call from one of the expectant "granddaughters". Her water broke and she is frantic, with good reason as she is only 23weeks along. Now we sit and wait to hear what the latest progress is as she is at Mott's Children's Hospital in Michigan. Not much else we can do. This is one of the two grandchildren expected in my son's family this January.

It seems, according to her sister, that she has also been assigned a doomsday nurse. This nurse feels no reason to hold out any hope for the baby. With that I will close this post.


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