
Not what you think, I am sure. The last two years have proved to be challenging when it comes to finding pool supplies. Shock was at a premium at $34 for a 6 pack. When I darkened the door of Wal-Mart yesterday, they had a lot of the product on the shelf for less than half of the summertime price. Where they had this stuff during the summer is anyone's guess. I do usually try to stock up at the end of the season for the next season. It is not normal to find enough product to last the entire next season, but awesome that I did! With so few weeks left until the holidays I have been picking up little things here and there for gifts. I did nothing in the craft department to prepare. It is not as easy to find the time as it used to be. Today has its own agenda. I need to take clothing to SIL. She is finally putting on a bit of weight and needs a bit more room in her things. I also need to empty the car of the items bought for the next season. The tween is experiencing friend challenges...