Fall weather and hot soup

 I love Fall. Simple as that. I think it is my favorite season. Next to Spring, Summer, and Winter of course. Every season has something to endear itself to me. Fall brings soup and bread and warmth. It is crisp in the morning and warm as the day goes on. At least here in Colorado it seems that way. You go to bed with sweat on your brow and wake to frost on your windshield. The cloudy days encourage me to think of applesauce and apple butter simmering on the stove, I can almost smell it. I haven't made either at this house just yet. Maybe this year it will happen... maybe.

Yesterday we moved the piano from its position guarding the stairs; the need is not there anymore. SIL has not been to the house since the late Summer. The weather change also prompts me to clean prior to winter. I am not sure why, as it will be just as messy in a week. Clean I must, so the piano moved back to its' former place in the entry room. The dog cages moved to the foot of the stairs, somewhat blocking the flow of traffic up the stairs. The dog crates can be easily moved unlike the piano.

The cleaning stopped temporarily to do other things. I will continue later today, for now I am making soup. Beef vegetable soup and Chili. I couldn't decide which to make so I made both.

Beef vegetable with noodles

It was tasty! I haven't tried the chili other than to make sure there was enough seasoning in it. We will have that with cornbread for dinner. I also like to crochet when it gets cooler and when DH does the driving, but that's another story that has already been told.

There really isn't a plan for the current crochet project, more of a relaxing "busy" work type of thing. I cannot yet head back to work for the week as the kids are out of school until Tuesday and tomorrow represents our last doctor appointment for at least a few days. As long as you do not count the therapy that happens each Tuesday evening.

the current "busy" work square

Well, that is the end of what I have to say for today. Time to get the cornbread into the oven and check on the kiddo who has been way too quiet for way too long. Quiet and kids are compatible. Good night blog.


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