Friday and weekend colds...and the countdown continues

 Every week I have high hopes that I will go to work and actually get off on time and accomplish all that is on my plate to do while there. I have yet to accomplish this goal, I hold out hope that I will someday. Yesterday was a dog and pony show... okay it was really something else, but I want to stay rated "G". I went in this morning thinking I would finish what I didn't finish last yesterday and visit with SIL as a bonus. No bonus. SIL had been up all night and was asleep when I arrived. The rest of the day was so busy and tumultuous that I went home in tears.

Heading into week 41 of the year I am not convinced that I have accomplished what I thought counting down to the end would accomplish. When I started, I thought it might reinforce a sense of urgency to make goals and meet those goals. Yeah, not so much.

It is now Saturday morning and I and the girls are sick as dogs. We have so many cases of Covid at work that I would not be surprised if it is that. but that said the common cold is still alive and kicking too. I need to go clean the travel vehicle today but for the dirt sets in permanently! The cleaning may have to wait another day. Such are the trials of life. 

red lights on the way into work as far as you can see

I should have taken a picture on the way home as it was just as dark. I keep getting bursts of energy and then I start to do something with that energy, and it turns into a need to lie down and rest. Not much is getting done today. 

It is time to winterize or at least get started with winter preparations around here. This week we will continue to downsize on the animals here and try to get rid of things we don't need. The littles are now big, and do not need a lot of their plastic outdoor toys. Also, their smaller bicycles can go somewhere else too. There used to be a place in town that took old bikes and fixed them up for kids without. I'll put that on my ever-growing list of things to check out.

My family in Florida are all safe as far as I have heard. they lost their restaurant, and their home is need of some repair. Thankfully, no worse than that. Having lost everything to a fire I understand their position. I wish for them peace and grace to withstand the trials to come as they find their way through the devastation.

 It is time to close this post and do something... not sure what I can handle but something.


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