Run doggie, run

 It has been proven over and over that Bella, the female of the two bigger dogs, is the smarter one. At least to me it has. She can get out of any container I come up with, she opens doors and climbs fences, you name it she can figure it out. Today, I was out riding bicycles with the youngest, she climbed the fence to join us and then jetted out into the road. A dump truck was coming from the west and she was ahead of it but not by much. They stopped and she approached and barked and then ran back to the house. The bad part was that we tried to call her to stop running toward the road. She did not stop, there was a hare, and it was to be hers, or so she thought. She did not come back with it if she did catch it.

She drives me crazy with her energy and her spunk. I sent her down into the basement with the other two little dogs while I called the biggest dog into the house. I had let him out to run a bit, he will not leave without his partner in crime. More acreage in my mind, would reduce the risk of them getting hit by a car. Although, it may just mean they would run further. I sure hope they settle down soon. I am sure they make the neighbors all nervous. When they bark, they are scary. This makes a lot of people wary to be around them.

I sit today with a flat tire for the third day in a row. I took the tire to Discount tire, but they said it had two holes and they were too close together to fix. I brought the tire home and now DH has it in town with "his guy". The tire itself is new and has too much tread to give up on, but the holes are too small to plug with an over-the-counter plug kit. Hopefully it can be fixed.

Last night I went out to turn the power in the motor home off. I turned it on originally because the kids were home from school, and I had told the workers they were welcome to come in the house to use the bathroom. Of course, the first time one took me up on it a child was performing an opera while sitting on the toilet. I sent the worker to the motor home as she tends to sing for at least ten minutes each time, if not more.

The workers are back at this morning. They are worried their equipment will be noisy. It is running and I cannot even hear it inside this house. I know that DH has decided that he does not actually want the solar system any longer. Well, too late, I let them go ahead with the plan. It isn't that I want to argue the facts. He is correct we won't be around to see the benefit necessarily. But whoever is left to care for the two girls will. The current plan is to leave this home in trust for them to live in. With their caretaker of course. Currently, the caretaker is designated as my oldest daughter. Having the solar will alleviate a bit of the financial burden of running this home. As will other things we have planned for hot water and heat.

Having solar does not increase the value of the home at this time, and it may not in the future either. If the caregivers deem it valuable to sell and move the girls elsewhere then so be it. That was the end of my ranting for the morning. I have many things to do today, none of which will be fast. I have decided to preserve some eggs for the winter months. I will freeze some and I wanted to water glass some, but I will have to settle for a lime solution instead. Trying to find the pickling lime proved to take most of the day. I never ventured to look for the water glassing ingredients.

At the end of the day, we still had therapy and the hour or so wait at the park.

After the fast slide

At the top of the fast slide

Going again

Now we are home and dealing with whiny dogs and all the things that come along when you don't get home until after dark with livestock and dogs. With that I will say good night blog.


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