Oklahoma... Texas or sitting tight

 We have contemplated moving and have been motivated by property listings that my sister keeps sending our way. In the way are the two properties we own in this state. While everything she has sent so far has been very appealing, it means selling one house or the other to pay for it. I do want more land, mainly to keep the dogs entertained and for peace and quiet. Not the P or Q will ever really happen in my lifetime, one must always hold out hope. For if you have no hope, then you have nothing.

We are continuing with the pantry cookoff. Tonight, we are having potato soup and toasted French bread with garlic butter. It is a nice warm meal on this cool Fall evening. I would send a picture but there are plenty of potato soup pictures elsewhere on this blog. Now that we are through the initial testing and it is surgery time, we know we must remain here until the all the samples come back. Hopefully, they will all be negative but if not, we will plug along.

Well someday we will be able to decide where and when or even if.... Good night blog.


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