more covid tests and more coughing

 Not only did I test at home several times this weekend, but I also had to go to work and test there. Lab test for that. We have way too many new cases at work these days. That is the way it goes, I guess. They came to the door as if I were a pariah. It was funny. Bet they don't ask me to fill in any time soon! 

The march to empty the freezers and the pantry continues. Tonight, we had something I have never made for the two youngest girls. I am not sure why I haven't made it, but those days are over. We had goulash, yes, I did say goulash.  The jury is still out on taste. Boy they are a critical bunch!I did top my dish with cheese. It wasn't too bad!

DH just made himself a plate, so we will see what he thinks. I did not use regular elbow macaroni as we had many boxes of Kraft Mac n Cheese that the now tween states "is disgusting". This after she begged for a case from Costco last summer. Well, at least a second box is used... 16 to go!

Tomorrow, I meet with the local school to see what if anything they have to offer the girls in terms of SPED. Their current school finally has one teacher, and he has seen the girls one time each. That does not come close to the IEP plan of 30 minutes a day. He has been on board since August. We have never been that impressed with the local school for the older kids, but they perhaps have something for the younger kids.

If not, we will be back to homeschooling and trying to find a co-op. That makes me miss the "free babysitters" and we are not even gone yet. Well, one vote from the tween is in and it is a thumbs down for goulash. No doubt the youngest will have her back! Maybe DH will be okay with it. For now, it is time to close and put the chickens and turkey to bed and finish the paperwork for the sleep study that DH is going to tonight.
Good night blog


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