Summer cold vs Fall colds...
Good morning blog, I am still under the weather. I felt like I was on the mend yesterday, so I agreed to do part of a shift. At 4 this morning I had to call off it was that bad. My throat was burning, my cough relentless and my ears aching like a child's. I felt bad backing out of the shift as it fit nicely in my 24 hour a week plan. But realistically I would have been a hot mess. I am home and I am a hot mess. For the first time in a long time it seems, I have a Fall cold. It is here with a vengeance. It seems as though the common cold is tired of Covid getting all the attention.
As I try to do a few things here and there, I start to think we should just stay here instead of moving. I don't like the set-up of this house, but I can deal with it. I would like to get the upstairs finished into a bedroom and a study and a half bath at least. Also, I have given more thought to moving the hot water heater to the basement. That would free up that small closet to be a 1/4 bath. Just a few ideas dancing in my pea size brain. I can't make the acreage grow in size or get the soil up to par instantly but I can container plant and wait on the dogs to get a bit older. They might settle down eventually. I can also move at a later time if I decide to go that route.
DH has several appointments scheduled this week to include an outpatient surgery to address the prostate situation, so work is on the back burner regardless of how I feel. An alternative is to get things here reorganized or organized in the first place if you want to be "truthful". I went to the attic area to help the youngest find some of her horses and what I found is almost every box of toys, books, and or clothing dumped and strewn about. This I am sure occurred the last time the three musketeers were allowed to go up and "play".
So, this week will involve boxing things up I suppose. Of course, that will be in between appointments and school conferences, and couch eating dogs.
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