Adoption Day arrived and boy what a day!

This week, (Wednesday) we had what we thought was going to be a final hearing, although we really did not know this. Good thing because it wasn't. This week was a review hearing. Kind of a day to make sure all the ducks are in a row. One parent came to the hearing via telephone, actually everyone came by telephone. Our house was down with the flu and ear infections and our attorney was stuck somewhere along the northwest coast. 

The mom that called in was determined that this was her day, her turn to shine, that she indeed was to prevail. She called the magistrate names, insisted that she was sent papers that indicated the case was overturned and that they were signed by this magistrate. The magistrate corrected her, gave her time to read the date and court to her, and thanked her as she reminded her that her rights had been terminated last June. The mom read the date and time of a fictitious paper, not anything any of the rest of us had. As she asked if she had made any appeals to the appropriate court, the mom just reiterated the list of her rights that had been violated and also the list of people who were going to be sued. The magistrate said goodbye and disconnected the line then started with the list of available dates for the final hearing. Oh, and if you live in our county, state or if you know me, intimately or not, plan on being sued.

As they tossed about dates, February 1st was offered up to us and I replied with "we will take whatever you give us and be ready, even if that day is tomorrow". The magistrate replied with hold on a minute. She then asked our attorney if he were going to be in town the next day. She had to ask twice, but the connection wasn't great, and he was standing in a boarding line trying to get back to the Springs. She then went over why she was asking. It seems that Thursdays are reserved for homeless safety hearings, and she only had one, she could squeeze us in at 2pm if everyone could make it. I stated if she would disregard the coughs and sniffles, we would be so happy to be there!

The rest of the evening was spent in complete wonder. I tried to make plans for the next day without giving anything away to the kids. My daughter and I also tried to come up with a bit of memorabilia for the girls. DH went out to buy each girl a piece of jewelry from him. It was too short of notice to order a custom item so homemade from me it would be.

This hung on the door and awaited the girls the morning of

Then we picked out a plaque to write something special on for each of them. They had been sick with viruses all week and originally the plan was they would go to school but things changed.
My printing isn't the best, but I think they turned out nice

Anyway the girls liked them and that is what matters

We finished our celebration with a trip to Chuck E Cheese and then to Scheels the next day to ride the Ferris wheel. That my friend, was scary!!! Why do people pay to get scared?! Post for another day for sure. 
Family that could come on short notice

The adoption party

The magistrate and us

The girls opening their gifts

There are a ton more pictures and so much more to remember but these are all I have access to right now. Taking the kids out was not a good idea health wise as they are still sick, and it is Monday. No school again today. But now they have memories that should last them a while.

So, if you had been wondering why there haven't been any posts for a while... now you know.


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