Five Below... not really

 Good afternoon! I took the girls out to find a gift for their "nieces" for Christmas. We thought we would check out the store "Five Below" I had heard that the items there were $5 and below. Some were but I am thinking the name will change to Ten Below at some point. Plenty of items fell into the 5 and below range. They did have difficulty finding something the older niece would like in that range. I did not limit them in that way, but they did truly try to find something that could fit the mold. Both girls picked out slime for the older girl. One bought a bucket full and the other a smaller package with add-ins.

This corner of the store started the upward price change

I think the highest price that I did see was $10

I can't say we will visit that store again anytime soon. But it was interesting to see what they had. I did purchase some LED puck lights for the pantry closet. Also, a pair of elf slippers that need some jingle bells added to them for the youngest. They only had one size in stock. We then went to McDonalds for $1 drinks and headed home. I wanted to brave Costco with the older daughter but not the youngers!!!

Now we are home and trying to figure out the plan for the Thanksgiving break. Growing up we got out of school the Wednesday before the Thanksgiving Thursday, or at least that is the way I remember it. These kids get out the Thursday before the Friday before Thanksgiving Thursday! Now I am not complaining it could be remote learning... heaven help us if that ever happens again. Remote learning is not the same as homeschooling, I might be able to pull off homeschooling if it is just the two kids. My confidence has waned quite a bit.

The lure of travel isn't as convincing as it was months ago. I have settled in for the winter, I guess. The youngest grandchild is coming over today as her family is headed to the movies without her. She is not quiet in a theatre like her older sisters. She tends to want to run the show, and yes if she were allowed to do the projector that might make her more cooperative. Might being the key word here.

So, she and the girls and I will play dinosaurs and possibly pull out the play dough box. You just never know. I do know we will not brave Costco! I was going to go get myself and the oldest daughter a new coat. I have not bought one since the house burned down, mainly because I haven't seen one that I liked, and I didn't really need one. But it is getting cold and now that I do work weird hours, I think I have to swallow my pride on looks and go for something that fits and is warm. Pumping gas at midnight is generally a cold adventure.

Our fence on North end of property

The fence at the South end of property

The snow on my hood yesterday

Well, time to get the day started. Lots of cleaning to do before the youngest gets here. Lots of cleaning everyday not just for the youngest.


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