Dear Mother Nature...

 We have received our free sample of Winter and politely request that you cancel our subscription to the rest of this year's season.

so pretty twinkling in the setting sun...and too cold! 

It is decidedly cold this morning and I still haven't bought a winter coat. I know I will eventually buy one, just not sure when. I looked for a sweatshirt to improvise, but that turned up nothing. My daughter called and she decided that the littlest isn't quite ready to come over yet. That leaves me time to go get a coat... as soon as DH returns from his adventures.

Well, that was yesterday, and I did go get a coat. I also took the time to get a different charger cord and some ink for one of the printers. After church I intend to get some things done for thanksgiving and hopefully make plans for the winter break travel. I am thinking Christmas on the coast. Just not sure which coast. I would like it to be a warmer coast, that much I know.

As we downsize on "stuff" we also have to make decisions on "pets". My youngest daughter my keep one of the big dogs for me and we can take the little ones with us. I don't really want to, but we can do it as they are hypo allergenic.

It is time to get ready to go so I'll close for now. I will also tell you I am thankful I am not in New York today!!! 6+ feet of snow?!


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