What a week!

 It started with a short shift on last Friday and ended with a frantically getting ready for work on Friday afternoon. On the short shift I received an admit from the largest hospital in the city. No discharge paperwork, no phone call for report, nothing. At almost 9pm an AMR wheelchair transport arrived at another area of the building and just by chance of wandering around to look for a nurse or anyone that could help, she found the skilled nursing area. 

When the CNA alerted me that they had arrived I got up from my desk and headed down the hallway. First thing I noticed was the patient with nothing more than a hospital gown on and his foot dragging the ground. There were footrests on the wheelchair and most likely his foot had been on one of them. The fact that he had complete lack of function on the right side of his body left me wondering why a wheelchair? The driver could not have been more than 5'3" and 100 pounds sopping wet. When asked how she transferred him she stated that she didn't, it took four hospital staff to get him into the wheelchair. We had 3 on staff at that time. Luckily, we have lifts that can do the job. Sadly, you have to have therapy's permission and an order to use one. Friday night? Nine pm? Let's just the transfer got done.

As the week progressed things for the kiddos at school went south. The are no SPED teachers yet and the school started counting appointment days as absences on the youngest and sent a just short of threatening, email about it. The week continued with phone calls from the school regarding absences by my youngest. She was withdrawn on one day and started in the new school the following day. But still I received phone notices that she was absent. There is apparently a disconnect somewhere. 

The older child finished out the week at the old school and decided that she too, would go to the local school. Some of the factors that influenced her were struggling to keep up in class without the help she needs, and a friend that was less than a friend. Don't get me wrong she has plenty of friends. It was just that the more the other friends gave her attention, the more the "friend" let her know that she was not worthy of the "friend's" friendship. I am pleased to say she chose the group of friends instead of just "the friend". She also voiced that she realized that the other girl was not acting like or being a real friend. Then she stated, without prejudice against the girl, lots of my friends tried to tell me but I didn't realize it until I thought about how many friends, I really have that want to talk to me and listen to what I want to say. She always only wanted to talk about what she wanted.

Now on to Thursday night at work. Most all of the workers are sick. Therefore, we have to use agency. Only because I am not willing to stay all night anymore as it is too hard for me to bounce back afterward. That said, the company had ordered an agency nurse, that meant that I would only have to stay until 10pm. YAY! At 9:30pm we received a phone call that the agency nurse was running late. No worries, at least she was coming.  Within a few minutes of 10pm the nurse appears. I have her start report with the other nurse while I finish up some charting.

Those two are knee deep in discussion and suddenly another agency nurse appears. Well quick update... this post was started on October 29th

The night ended badly but I went home and through a series of crazy events, have landed, post-flu, in the adoption court tomorrow at 1400. Yep, you read that correctly, today we had a review hearing that one parent requested to participate in. Because we have been sick in this household and our attorney got stranded in Juno, the magistrate agreed to hear all discussion by phone. Long story short, the objecting parent informed the magistrate that she would be suing her and the whole county, (will make a good post for another day).

The magistrate then started going over available dates for a final hearing. They mulled over what was available in the future, to them December 15th wasn't good for the lawyer, then the next available date was February 1st.  She then asked if we were okay with that, I said we were open to anything they had even if it were tomorrow. The magistrate stated, well, I may have something and then asked the attorney if he would be back in Colorado tomorrow and he stated yes. 

She saved the day by stating that she only had one homeless case tomorrow and could squeeze the adoption in at 2pm. Everything went so fast, I am still in a state. I did tell her the kiddos are still coughing but no fevers in the last 24 hours and she said, "let's do it". 

I will update you all on the solar array in another post.


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