Day 5 of the Thanksgiving break...

 Today we have appointments, dental appointments, I hope to enlist the help of DH. I won't hold my breath. An instruction I pass out frequently, anyone that knows me is aware of this. I hope to continue the work I started yesterday. If I can clear the shelves in the main living room of the items that collect dust. That would cut down on dusting, or at least the items that collect the dust.

The game table must stay in the living room

I like to play Pac-Man; therefore, the table stays. I am moving all my sewing things to the basement while I wait for the cottage to evolve. The Christmas tree will go into the small living room that just collects dust and cast offs anyway. The old oak dropleaf table is going to the attic and the old blue sofa is also. The only thing staying with the tree will be the piano. It is too heavy to move again, and the kids voted for it to stay.

I will likely not get much moved today. The morning is off to a slow start with cleaning. My list is missing... most likely hiding in a pile of papers. Yes, I uncovered more papers. Maybe I could get those sorted if furniture moving fails. The travelers are getting their laundry prepped to leave on the first of the month. That is also the day of the youngest child's next eye surgery. Haven't been given a time yet and perhaps we won't know until next week.  

I made eggs for breakfast and that went over well. Although, the oldest kiddo came back for a bowl of cereal to top off her breakfast. Now the dog dumped the gallon water bowl... ugh. Just another dog day here. I have the trolley ready for the first sewing machine to go downstairs. I went and scoped out where I might put it... not reassuring that's for sure.


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