Back to the Books!

It is the end of May, I know but we took a 4-week break from schoolwork at the beginning of the month. That is one of the benefits to homeschooling on your own schedule versus distance learning with the district. Of course if the district is leaving an open schedule this goes out the window.

Our particular school was keeping a rigid schedule for some kids and not so much for other kids. Unfortunately, we had one teacher who continued to make veiled threats and open statements that were less than encouraging. 

During this whole "pandemic" things were not very clear. Perhaps as a nation we rushed to close things too fast, perhaps not. Perhaps we are going back to normal too quick... time will tell. This led to real chaos with the "distance" learning thing. I know I was frustrated within a week. After the first grade teacher made her threat that "authorities"  might be calling me I was done.

Once the letter to the homeschool department was mailed, and I had allowed for time to be delivered, we took a break. This morning we went back to the workbooks. However, before we hit the books we drove out east to look for my phone. I was sure it must be there as it was not at work. It was not at the Leoti house either. Each day it becomes less clear where I had it last... figures lol.

I even called both of my daughters and asked them to look at their homes for it, no luck. All the stores that I have been to were called and the minivan searched twice. It is MIA. I thought I could just switch the number to an old phone laying around the house. It won't work. I might have to be without a phone for a while.

This week is the beginning of our school year. An odd time to start but I need more time with these guys to get stuff done. With our move planned for this weekend and no internet or phone out there yet things could get lonely on the plains!

OMGOODNESS! My dear friend, whom I was stationed with here at Fort Carson, came all the way from Michigan and stopped in to visit me!!! Actually it was her husband who was in the same unit as me that I knew better but she and I became friends after they married. It was so good to see her.

We spent a few hours together and then she had to continue on with what she came all this way to do. Honestly, I was worried I would not hear from her while she was here without me having a phone, but add in Facebook and a computer and presto!

Another amazing thing happened today. Not sure everyone will think it is amazing, but I went to the dollar store and upon leaving I met a homeless person. This person asked for anything I had to eat, a can of food, a bottle of juice or anything he could eat. I just happened to have food in the car. So I asked him to give me a minute and I would be back with food. Upon handing the food to this person, I saw genuine appreciation on his face. He rushed off to a nearby tree and sat in the shade and ate the food given. 

My heart broke for this person. How did he come to be in the situation? Where is he from? Does his family know where he is? All questions that I may never get the answers too, but it made a profound impact on me today.


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