Sunny, Thunderstorms, Hail and Snow... and that was just yesterday

Happy Memorial Day to everyone! Strange that we say that when it is the day we honor those who lost their lives serving this country. Indeed it means there are families that have lost loved ones and are unlikely to be happy.

When the realization hit me that this IS Memorial Day weekend, I was overwhelmed. There is just so much to do in both houses and sprinkle that with kids, dogs, work and doctor appointments and you get the perfect recipe for being overwhelmed. There seems to be no room for a holiday get together! We will wedge one in there though.

The storms yesterday forced a day of rest, sort of, one load of stuff made it out east. A second trip was planned in order to get all four dogs out with us. It was to include more stuff but the rain was too much not to mention hail and then snow. So it was just me and the dogs. Visibility was minimal on the second drive out, it was at that point I realized I did not have my phone. In fact, I could not remember where I had it last.

I am hoping it is packed in a box somewhere. After all, I just paid the bill for the next month of service. It would be nice to use it. Back to the holiday plans. With Colorado pretty much being back to normal, we will all go to my daughter's home and have a get together. The swim party is out of the question with as cold as it is this morning. But we can still eat and have fun and get in a few boxes to the new house!

This afghan is not the one I made but when I saw the post on Facebook it reminded me of the one I made and brought back nice memories. I don't think I would recreate the one I lost in the fire and mine was a little different stitch. Definitely uplifting to see another one!

DH is stuck at Lowe's so I'll close and go to the rescue! Have a great day everyone and remember the history of this day.


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