A New Journey...

Hello there! My blogging has fallen prey to the chaos that is my life. I miss most of all the quiet of creativity that goes into writing. For the most part I have tried to stay up with the news on "the virus", but with kids and dogs and well, you name it and it has probably distracted me from my blog.

This Morning is no different. I have misplaced three very important items and I cannot really do much without them. I have been racking my memory trying to figure out what I possibly did with them... and I am blank. 

But I digress, the new journey is keeping DH on track with a new diet. It is very restrictive and frankly I think ridiculously restrictive. We will trudge on and try to stick to it. It has plenty of options... if you are a rabbit. Or if you hate beef! 

Add this to the chaos that is already running rampant and working part-time... Well I am sure you get the point. I thought I would start including a "what we did this week" to my Friday posts. That is if I get back into regularly posting. 

This week involved a lot of moving small things out east. This included some plant starts for the garden. My daughter and I are building "raised" garden beds for my little starts. Or at least we are gathering the materials to do this little project. We have found our selves at Walmart two days in a row to get needed items for mealtime and the project.

We planted two trees this week. Fruit trees that is... apricot trees. I am pretty sure my peach trees have died and well the only thing really blooming is the cherry tree and it is really sparse this year. We pretty much decided that the grape vines will be planted next to the two dead peach trees in order to give them support to grow on and full sun. We did not get any plants into the ground today.

We did make quinoa tortillas and cloud bread. Both turned out fairly well and tasted good. Pictures to follow at some point in time. Fence posts continue to be set and the kids continue to complain about having to go "out east".

It might be easier to post pictures of what DH has done if you want to see progress on the property! We started the fence for the inner perimeter. The outer fence is going to remain a 3-wire barbed wire fence. It is an electric fence for 2 sides of the property. It is not actively charged as we no longer have llamas or horses.

So far he has raised 17 posts out of 250 that need to be set. I have only managed 2 carloads of stuff this week. That said I did not put any of it away yet. the car is loaded in order to take more out today after I am done babysitting. I am also going to try my hand at cloud bread. DH cannot have regular bread, so even though this has one ingredient he is not allowed, we are going to try it.

Well taking a load of stuff out to the house made me late for work but it had to be done. Our granddaughter and her boyfriend were going to go out to the property today and help DH with the post setting. Also my daughter and her son were going to go out too. So with all that help and the other daughter babysitting one would hope to get more done!


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