First month almost over! (a very belated post)

Can you believe it has been almost a month?! Well it is true! Little Madison will be a month old on Thursday... We have been soo busy since her arrival and also sooo lost! I really meant to blog more often but so many many things got in the way. First off I took a night job... silly me. I really thought it would be the easiest shift with the kids in school and all.  It might have been easier but it wasn't. We have had 5 snow days since Madison arrived. Today being another one.  And at least one of them happened during the time I was supposed to be sleeping that first week of work.

Add to that three falls for February for me and then closing out my blog page to loan my computer out for a few days. I had no idea where my blog went or how to get back to it. That night shift with no sleep and then the fall that Thursday really threw me for a loop. Also I broke my phone with that fall. Then I planned to go see the doctor and we had a snow day... again. They cancelled my appointment because it was an early morning one. I thought I was feeling better and then the headaches started. 

I thought I would get checked out and fell on my way to the "fast track" at the base. (Their version of urgent care) I sat for 5 hours only to be told there wasn't a radiologist available to read my films. As I was exiting the very slow "fast track" I slipped on the ice outside their door. With already bruised knees and a very sore left shoulder and arm I struggled to get off the ground. Within 2 minutes a young man came and helped me up and another person urged me to get to my car don't go back in. I really didn't want to go back in!

It wasn't all a waste of time....

I was able to get this far on a baby blanket! It would have been further but I ripped out 8 rows when I found an error in my work!

So my plan of at least one craft a month is going just fine! With all that time to myself I may go hang out there more often! Only not as a patient. That was quite bothersome not being able to leave when you are ready.

I recently found myself in a shoplifting scam and it was not a pleasant feeling at all. I have been playing on Facebook Marketplace looking for "stuff". To my surprise someone was selling a pasta attachment for a kitchen aid mixer. At $60 it was a bargain! So I made arrangements to look at it and then purchase it as it looked brand new. After the purchase was made I thought to myself she didn't seem like the type of person to buy that type of mixer. But that was about the length of my thoughts on it. I was happy to have found one for a real "steal" of a price! That was February 8th.

Then to my good fortune, just 2 days ago, I also found a spiralizer $45! So I tried to get ahold of the person advertising it and after much difficulty I did finally reach a time to go get the item. Strange enough it was a different person selling a like new product at a steal of a price. Then she messaged I'm going to this store and then I'll be at this location in 25 minutes can you meet me there? My heart sank.... I asked her what kind of car are you in? 

It was the same person, the same routine of stores, and the same car, just a different name on the Marketplace. I realized then that "steal" I was getting was really stolen. I sent a message back that I could not come something came up. I went home and called the store that I thought the goods were stolen from. Indeed, the item that I was about to purchase had been stolen just hours before. They didn't catch the thief but they did see the car. So now I feel awful about the first purchase and intend to return it to the store once the weather cooperates. The store person told me to not worry about it but my gut won't let me do that.

These are just some of the big events that have kept me busy! So I did swear off the Marketplace even though I have met some really nice people and found things that are not stolen. It is just best to  walk away now. Perhaps I should just sit at home and finish my projects and enjoy the snow days... they come so often!


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