Day 2 of home schooling Summer

The Morning started off quite rough. Cranky kids, hyper dogs and a pain ridden DH. This resulted in a very slow start to the day. Today we are focusing on "Reading with the Teacher". It is a PBS program done by the teachers in Colorado. We keep hoping to see our teachers so we try to watch every day. That is my ploy to get them involved.

It has had less than stellar results. The 7yo is the hardest to get to sit still and listen. Hyper is an understatement. She and the dogs compete for attention. She can't even sit still with duct tape... okay that is just a theory or hypothesis but I think it would prove true.

Today I have planned out pretty well. It does include taking some food with me for the homeless guy, I hope to find him and learn something about him today. We will see...

The kids are going to my daughter's house while I go to the Commissary. Also, the phone store. Hopefully they can reset one of these phones that are currently being used by kids.

Other items to get done today are plant vegetables in the garden out east. Without a phone there will be no instant videos but I do have a camera that I can record and then upload. So maybe all is not lost.

Time ran out today so no trip to the phone company. Also could not find the homeless guy. Did not make it out east to plant anything in the garden... I did get to the commissary and to the market for milk. But then the day fell apart. I locked myself out of my house and out of the car. By the time my daughter arrived with a spare key it started thunder storming.

That my friend was the end of my day!


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