1 day left!

 Tomorrow the kiddos leave school for the summer, and then my work really begins. We have activities lined up, but I am sure things will not go as planned, just based on previous years. My to do list has been by the wayside for several days. The teen grandchild is under the weather, and I have had the toddler grandchild underfoot. Makes for a slow-moving day. Have to go pick the other teen grandchild up from school at 1100. In addition, I need to take SIL to get her glasses ordered and it is chilly out there right now. Too chilly to go without an outer layer. (hint) We turn the heat off inside during the spring days and that makes it too chilly to go without an outer layer inside too. (hint, hint) 

Dogs have been busy digging to China, only to find the route blocked by slate. In anticipation of a planned escape DH buried some pieces of slate below the fence for them to find. They found. Working away from home is daunting sometimes. I know I will come to a half-eaten piece of furniture, or a hole dug in the dog run or worst possible scenario... the dogs locked out without water or shelter. None of the above excite me. 

Today I have been trying to help the kids locate properties to look at in Alabama. I must admit I am not all that helpful. The market in some areas there is just as expensive as here. It does have its own allure though. Green grass, rain, bugs big enough to rearrange the house while you are gone out for the day.

Due to SIL technical difficulties there has been a delay in posting to the blog. In an attempt to get her eye glass prescription filled we went out for an early adventure and I did not return home until after 9pm. I was so exhausted from the day of running I slept in until 0700 the next morning!

It is now Saturday and I do have a list ready for the day. Hopefully I'll get some of it done. Some of the nine-year-old's birthday presents have begun to arrive in the mail. Trying to get to the mailbox before her has been, well, challenging. She gave out invitations the last day of school with an RSVP date of June 10th, for a party on the 18th. We have no idea where the party is going to be as we don't even know if any kids will come. But we have three scenarios in mind depending on how many respond.

Well, the weekend is young and there is much to do so I will close and get busy! Oh I forgot, I went by the house that the kids sold and it is no longer purple, it is a drab grey 



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