
 Maybe I shouldn't be, but it was fun. I will have to pay for the fun later. I will most likely head back to work next week. Perhaps the return will help me process the frustration of not being able to get Kim to take her pills this afternoon. I was really sad that I couldn't get her to take them. I was sadder that I couldn't stay longer and convince her to take the pills. Makes me wonder how she will be any different in her own place.

I guess we will only know if we try. In the meantime, DH has been working on the fence three days in a row! I think he feels I am a slavedriver, but I do feel with multiple unfinished projects in the yard, getting the approval of the neighbors is less likely. Yesterday, we discussed my expectations for completion this summer. Priority was the fence. There are also 2 outbuildings in disrepair and another that has been under construction for 15+ years. One of these is expected to be finished by the end of summer. I am not picky about which gets finished, but one must.

This morning is the Men's breakfast. Unfortunately, I forgot that I had used the canned biscuits and did not replace them. That meant I either had to race to town and hope to be back in time or make homemade. I opted for the latter and crossed my fingers. My family does not enjoy homemade biscuits. Probably because they were the test subjects for any of the batches that made it past my palate. While I have that word in front of you, I want to note that this summer we will be learning words that have several meanings and often different spellings.

Palate refers to the roof of the mouth. Palette, on the other hand, is the flat board that an artist uses to mix paint colors and still a third spelling has two different meanings! Pallet, this spelling is very common. It refers to a bed on the floor or another meaning and probably more recognized is a platform on which you stack goods. And this my friends leads me to the pallet-based doghouse that did not get built last summer. Perhaps that should be my own personal goal this summer, something the girls could help with.

Enough with the spelling lesson. Today we had planned to go to Focus on the Family for kids' day. To me, the place has kids' day everyday but today there will be special events that are not there every day. Both girls are super excited to go. There is going to be a small delay as the youngest kid has a terrible stomachache. The oldest being the least compassionate when it comes to stomachaches in others is not happy about the delay. If we do not get to go today, we will make it up with an early day off of school and go then. I am not a fan of crowds anyways so that may work better.

Earlier this week my youngest showed me how to get to the YouTube channel she had set up, I deleted the videos they had uploaded and made a mental note to sign up for some classes so that I can catch up to my 9-year-olds abilities in technology. With that I will close this post.

Tonight? Yes!!!!


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