Spring! Finally, some snow!!!


Snow has been elusive this year. So, to get a little is a treat! I mean that literally as I prepare to go scoop some to make snow ice cream. It is still coming down although, it is a finer, more sleet like version. It is welcome either way.

Yesterday evening SIL had a complete break with reality, and I was thankful the facility did not send her to the hospital. If they were going to send her at any point, last night would have been justifiable. It took listening to her crying her eyes out for 45 minutes in order to finally convince her that we were not dead. Mind you I had just been there the day before to visit and pick up her glasses to take to the eye doctor. That, due to her perception of time, was months ago.

The phone call ended with me ordering a pizza and a bottle of soda for her through delivery service. She, like us, has always lived outside of delivery pizza areas. She could not wrap her brain around the idea of the possibility. The reality occurred about 6ish hopefully that helped. Ourselves, well we had chicken tacos on homemade tortillas, pizza sounded really good. It was fun teaching my granddaughter how to make homemade tortillas though.

Which reminds me I need to put the rest of the shredded chicken into the crockpot with barbeque sauce and get busy making buns to have pulled chicken sandwiches later. I guess that means I need to make potato salad or macaroni salad and some baked beans... 

With that realization, I will close for today and get busy!!! Have a great week!


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