Childhood memories...

 This morning we are on day four of constipation with the 9-year-old. What makes it harder is that this child will not take any medication. Part of her personality, but also common in children with ADHD. This makes getting things moving a bit trickier than it needs to be. I have already used MiraLAX in the drinks and have had no results. Really don't want to move to the next route but I might have too if things don't get moving along.

She has also run a low-grade fever since Friday, this means Monday may be another absence. Not a great thing but if she is sick what can I do? Other than continue playing games? During the height of the pandemic, we "game-schooled" a bit. It helps to keep them learning while having fun. Yes, it is a real thing.

Jenga actually is teaches lots of different things, to include spatial awareness, gravity, opposing forces. It improves strategic thinking, eye-hand coordination and problem solving, without a boring textbook! Geometry is also addressed, and by look on the youngest kiddos face... sheer amazement that it can stay up! Our tallest tower so far this year has been 29 layers.

We play Flash, Yahtzee, Bingo with playing cards, Meet the Presidents (although our version is very old), Scrabble, Boggle, all of these and more teach important facts and trick those little buggers into learning stuff that they won't sit down in a formal way to learn. I do need to sort our games and find a good central location for them. Perhaps pass the toddler games to my daughter. If she will have them. Now that the baby attends daycare I don't have a pressing need to keep memory around.

Another thing we try to keep handy is a jigsaw puzzle in progress. It can be challenging with the dogs and temper tantrums, but when it works it is amazing! Game schooling helps a lot in so many ways. Enough with the school part of it, the memories for the kiddos are pretty good too. 

Well, there is a pressing need to return the task of cleaning around here. The entry living room and the "morning" room as the blueprint description calls them, are cluttered to the brink! It happens every week on a regular basis. Also, the inspiration to move the living room around again has hit me. I must strike while the thought process is active! Not only that my Brain Dump notebook needs to be sorted.

With that I'll close for today!


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