In-person school is almost out!!!

 This school year seems to have dragged on by. It has taken forever to get to the end. I am not sure why I wanted to get to the end of the year, but I did. The summer is going to drag on in my opinion. I did sign the kids up for activities and summer school, partially because I plan to work and partially because I know they will be bored out of their gourds. The kids want to go to Disney World but in light of recent events that will not be happening. 

We will instead travel to see family at least once. Auntie and Uncle sold their home and will be looking to move to Alabama. Aunt Jewel and Uncle Dale live in Oklahoma, and we could see them on the way to Alabama. So, most likely that will be our first trip. The rest of May will be spent getting the party van up to par for traveling. I don't think we will pull the camper behind us this trip. I would prefer to pull this camper on a shorter trip first.

Auntie and Uncle will close on the home they are selling on Thursday this week, and they do not have a replacement house so they will be moving into our camper. I am sure it won't take them long to find a home that they like. They have been over once each week to clean the camper out from the last two kids who stayed in there and decided they would just leave their belongings. Kind of a message to the siblings about squatters' rights, I guess. they did not get to come out this spring and likely won't. They did leave a car here so that is where all their things were placed.

Now for the garden we were going to plant this year. Not happening. I did not get any seeds started. My heart just wasn't in it this year. The first year that we moved in here I had started lots of seeds. We did not reap any benefit from those. The soil here is not great, okay it really stinks. Last year my sister was here, and she kept herself busy planting and directing the idea of a garden. We didn't get much from that either. We did get some potatoes, but they were so small I will use them as seeds this year. I think the only thing that I will concentrate on is tomatoes and lettuce. Those can be container grown. And potatoes, I will put those in the old sandbox from the kids. 

Originally DH had planned to make raised garden beds and bring in good soil. The price on soil skyrocketed and we did not really agree on what a raised bed would look like so, that worked out. The fruit trees we planted have not budded out yet this year. It was such a dry winter they may have died. I am hoping that they didn't, time will tell. The plan this year for fruit trees is to plant two apple trees at my son's home in town. They get more moisture than we do, and trees will help with erosion mitigation too.

As far as out here, DH has done a little on the fence every day for four days in a row. That's at least progress. The pallet doghouse? No progress there yet. I am pleading recent surgery as my excuse. Once I get the stitches out tomorrow, I am hoping to make progress. The key word is hoping.  I miss having four seasons, but I am not ready to move either. Once my daughter gets settled, I will probably change my mind.

For now,

pretty I think I want, not sure

I must close this post and figure out my list for today before church. Have a great day world!


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