Monday, Monday....again
It started out early, much too early. I rolled out of bed expecting the grandkids to be in beds, not on the couch. So much for expectations. As I released the dogs from their kennels, the barking woke the grandson. That may have been for the good, he has to leave the house by 0645 to be on time for school. The next thing you know my daughter is here with her two kids and a request that the baby stay here because she has a fever and preschool won't keep her. After about half an hour I realized all my bio-grandkids were in the room without their parents. I am not sure that has ever happened in the past three years.
All the kiddos were loaded and off to school by 0645. Left behind, the toddler, the teen and a nine-year-old. The morning progressed without any fanfare. Until that fateful moment when the phone rang... It was the care center. SIL had fallen, no one knows when, no one knows how. But she has a bump on the head, and I need to come and get her and take her to be seen. Okay, I can send her brother. Is she conscious? Yes. Is she able to stand and walk? Yes. Does anything hurt? Yes, her arm. This is the same facility that sent her by ambulance for constipation. I continue to ask questions. I am talking to a caregiver, not a nurse. The nurse doesn't come to the phone. It seems it isn't her job.
The phone rings again about a half hour later. Caregiver, "they" want to know when I'll be here and where I'm taking her. I let the caregiver know that I really wasn't sure, it would depend on how she is when we get there. I did ask how she was doing. She said oh she is fine she is sitting at the front desk waiting for you guys. We hung up and then it hit me, who were "they"?
No matter, I had kids to take care of and DH was on the job. He took SIL and had her checked out. All was well and he returned her to the center. About 9pm I received another phone call as she wouldn't take her pills. It took us 30 minutes, but she got them down and finally I was able to receive some information on whether the new pill was helping. Success! The young lady on duty has been there on the night shift and it is helping to reduce the nocturnal problems! Gone? No, but greatly reduced!
That, combined with the house full of kiddos was my day!
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