A week away...

 My 10-year-old just informed me that Christmas eve is 1 week away. Thank you, YouTube, for raising the expectations of all electronically connected kids to higher heights than last year. On this item I lowered the bar by continually reminding the kiddos of our goal to travel. I also remind them that the big guy only provides one gift to each child, the rest are provided by the family and friends. I justify this because why would Santa give one family more gifts than another? And our family has decided that less gifts will mean mom going out of the house to work less often. Also, that mom can plan more travel trips for the whole family. Not to mention there is no lack of toys, dolls, or electronics in this house.

there they go,
 way in the distance 

watching them pull away

this is the lead car on the trip 

 the youngest had a turn in the kitchen today

Yes, I still owe on the motor home and the solar panels, but I may take the sage advice of a friend and take out a mortgage on the house to pay off the solar panels. The motor home may be another story. Speaking of traveling our travelers finally got to hit the road, this afternoon. It was sad to see them go. I know they are excited to spend some time along the coast. With us babysitting the grandkid while my other daughter works, we cannot join them until after the holidays. That said we may try to head down to the coast after the first of the year. Still working out the animal care in that area, but something may work out in favor of us making the trip.

And yes, I realize a mortgage is also debt, but my youngest is terribly stressed over me working full-time. Perhaps, the homeschooling will alleviate a bit of the anxiety she experiences but only time will tell.

Welcome to the very last week before Christmas! To kick off Monday morning with a bang, one of the dogs decided that it must relieve itself on the carpet so that I can shampoo it today without delay. So, at 0405 this morning I started shampooing the carpet in the living room. I now have a few towels down to help keep it from attracting the dirt that is bound to come in. Meal planning for the week is almost done and the list for the additional items has been started.

Laundry is lurking about taunting me. Little does it know I don't care to wash it. It is perfectly annoying to think it rules my day right now. I mean, I have cookies to bake and gifts to finish, oh, and cards that need to be mailed. Lucky for me our guests have left and there are not anymore expected at this time. But in my crazy life that could change in an instant.

in the meantime, the tree is still standing

 the cookie dough is waiting

and the elf is up to his antics 

Later blog, laundry is piling up...


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