I owe, I owe so off to work I go... again

 Well, now that we are solidly back into debt it is time for me to get solidly back to work. The new solar panels and the RV need money. Since I am primarily the one who wanted them, I feel fiscally responsible for them. I do have my thoughts set on buying a smaller RV next spring. That said I still have to pay for both of these items first.

the money pit 

As I texted my supervisor and agreed to take a 6-hour shift tonight, I pondered all the objections I would face on the home front once they knew I would be leaving to go. Of course, as soon as I admitted that I had picked up a shift all the objections began to flow. I hired my granddaughter to watch the youngest to ease the anxiety of me being gone till midnight.

That didn't work out quite as well as I had hoped. I received multiple calls from the youngest that night. My relief showed up early and we changed hands, and I headed to the door... just in time to hear a scream from down the hall. The brand new to us ADON, had her first fall of the night and I could not leave her like that. She had not even been trained on our risk management system. So, we got the "praying" person back to bed and started the paperwork. Two hours later I went home. 

(The above entry was started the Saturday after Thanksgiving)

Flash forward to this day and I can safely say I got sick the day after doing that shift and didn't begin to feel better until Wednesday, and I picked up a shift because the other nurse was sick. Having been sick each month since starting this job I really understood and felt inclined to try and do another short shift. Four hours turned into 8. We worked with just one CNA, then a new CNA came between 4:30 and 5. That gave us 2 for about an hour. The first CNA with all the experience, received a text from her sister that their father was in a terrible car accident and included a picture of him on the ground beside a car. That alone was upsetting enough but to ice the cake, she then sent another to say he was taken to hospital and yet a third stating "he died". Not something you should send by text. 

Maybe it's a generational thing, maybe cultural, but either way it was not good. That is how 4 turned into 8 and the side the CNA that had such a tragedy strike her so close, was full of people that were sick with flu symptoms or a stomach bug, take your choice. The balance of the hours there were spent cleaning up people and trying meet their needs.

On a lighter note, progress was made in the basement this past week!

The house chicken moved to a large window well

The cat is impressed with his new roommate, although, after being attacked by the dogs, the chicken was not impressed. 

(House chicken story for another day) 

We cleared an area for DH to make some progress, stacked all of the drywall boards into one pile instead of three. That cleared a lot of area. The term "we" means daughter and grandkids.

80 sheets in a stack 
You can tell where we started because they are uneven. Five-gallon paint buckets will turn into a shelf to hold the boxes of stuff that we cleared from the bottom part of the stack. We set up a 6-foot-long table to hold some of the supplies he has bought. Found quite a few things buried on the stack so that should help.

Yep, all that stuff was on top of the bottom part of the dry wall stack. Easy to see why he couldn't find stuff. I am guilty of the same disorder. As I clean the entry living room or sitting room, whatever you want to call it, I am amazed at the things I find that were indeed lost to me anyway. It is Saturday so I must get busy as time is short.

Till the next time...


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