How messy can it get?

 Dare I ask?

No, I do not! Apparently, the elf felt a need to bring us a souvenir from the North Pole this morning.  As if yesterday's challenges weren't enough to write about. I will elaborate in a few. For now, breakfast has to be made and four girls need something to do to stay out of trouble until breakfast is done.

Breakfast has been served. Now it is time to share an event that happened yesterday. The list for the previous day was not completed, that left a need to go out and try to get some more things done. While I was out, I decided to take the adoption papers to the social security office and request new cards for the kids. To my surprise the office was quite empty. I filled out the necessary forms and handed them in when called for my turn. Now for the interesting part... Did you know that even if your social security card has the correct name, you need another document to prove this to be true? Sadly, for me, the adoption decree was not good enough.

I shared what I had been told to bring; I shared that one child already receives benefits. I shared their actual numbers, which in fact, came up with their pre-adoption names. Nope, not good enough! I called the attorney's office while waiting for the clerk to write a list of acceptable documents. Shock was the silence I heard on the phone. The clerk suggested going to the school and getting certified records with their old names in a sealed envelope and bringing those. She then stated she would trust them before an attorney. Funny, first why is a school more reputable than an attorney? Second, I had already changed their names at the school.

Even if I hadn't done that, a parent cannot change names or gender at the school level without a court ordered document, however, a child can voice a desire to be a different gender, use a pronoun, change their own name and all of this without a court order! Yep, nope not using the school as a reference. You know, you cannot make this stuff up.

I took the list to the attorney's office and then went to the courthouse down the road to see if there was anything in the adoption records that could be helpful. On the way home my battery light came on and now I am stuck at home for a bit. DH had to go to the gym, so I will take the car to AutoZone and see what is wrong when he returns. Then drop the grandkids off and head to the social security office again.

I'll keep you posted blog...  It is not even 10am here and I am exhausted!


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