Let's try this surgery again...

 Last week we were cancelled or bumped or whatever you want to call it from the surgery list. Disappointing to the youngest kiddo but not life-threatening. But we are on for tomorrow at noon. Tonight, they are out with my daughter and her kids seeing the "Big Guy" from the North Pole, that is. I wasn't invited nor was I told where they were going. However, when you are instructed to dress them up and we are taking them out late at night, it kind of adds up to something holiday-ish.

so red flannel for the tween

and shimmery for the younger 

heart shapes to all! 

We had to be at Fort Carson by 0830 for a covid test, so the dogs did not get their leash walk today. Not sure if they will get it tomorrow or not. There will be time but the youngest cannot have anything after midnight tonight and will be quite hungry I am sure, so do I encourage sleeping in? Or do the normal day only without food.

I will keep you posted. I finally got the vacuum cleaner cleaned out and I was able to vacuum the front entry living room tonight. I will go down to the basement in the morning and bring up the tree box. I am still working on the pile of stuff that came out of that room. Plenty of progress has been made, but there is plenty to go still.

When I arrived home from babysitting the youngest grandkids yesterday, the older grandkids surprised me with this photo collage. Of course, I made them stay and help me hang it right away. I thought it was very nice. They are the same kids that took the littles out this evening. I should not call them littles any more as the older one is taller than I am.

our little fashionista 

upside down is the latest style

just ask the youngest 

Hard to believe she is almost three. Time flies. She still isn't liking nursery school, but she is starting to talk and that is good. I do miss her antics she is bonding a bit better with her dad too. She is mama's girl almost exclusively. It is time for me to get up and get more done while the kids are not here. So good night blog.


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