Gravity has its' benefits

 I sure wish it would quit trying to prove its' case with me. I had left the doctor's office on a Thursday, bragging about how I had not fallen in quite some time and how I had little if any pain in the knee that the other doctor wants to operate on. Only to trip on wire out in the pasture and fall hard on my face the very next day. The wire had been clipped to get equipment through now that there are no pasture animals to keep fenced in. Not that the 3-wire fence really did that job very well.

The throbbing only occurs when I stand too long or try to carry too much at a time, or climb stairs, drive, that kind of thing. Doing long shifts tends to aggravate the situation a bit. So, note to self, do not brag on Thursday as one may fall on Friday. Today I thought we could carry the couch to the attic today, but I measured the doorway, and it won't fit through. I shared that with DH, and he refused to accept what I said as fact. He insisted that he did not put any doorways in this house less than 36" wide.

I did not argue, the tape measure does not lie even if it is pink.  I encouraged him to measure it himself, So, when he reached the top of the steps with my pink tape, I videoed his amazement and realization that, in fact, I can read a tape measure. I let him know he could apologize any time. I had to give him the words and he did not repeat them but just the satisfaction that I videoed it and he is saying, yeah right where did this door come from, Is proof enough for me. I can never get rid of this phone.

This doesn't make setting up the tree any easier though. I have a new plan and as long as the dogs cooperate, it might work. I have taken the large dog cage to the basement, the small one will follow. (I, in this case means my daughter carried it) Since furniture cannot be removed it will just be moved around a bit. The hope is that the dogs will not eat a couch or chair before the holidays, not ruin the carpet or soil it, and most of all, will behave as much as they can for the next month. I know a bit of a risk, but it has to be taken.

don't want a dog? how about an egg and bacon? 

Moving on, the travelers are being forced to stay at least another week. They were getting things ready to leave and discovered that their hitch was cracked. It will take another week to get the replacement item. Secretly or perhaps not so secretly, I am glad they are not leaving just yet, we did not finish the things we talked about doing. Plus, it gives them more time to plan and put things here the way they would like them to be.

It will be nice to have just a bit more help for a few more days. I would like the grandson to help get some OSB to the attic to help decrease the air flow and keep the dogs from jumping on to the insulation that is exposed. Back to the tree placement plans. The tree will go into the front living room that just gets stuff piled into it. We don't really use the room other than to store things or drop our packages as we enter the house. The piano is back in there after being the safety gate to block the stairs for a while. It is going to be crowded but the options available are limited.

Today, after church, I am going to try and find a sheet pan to make our beeswax food wraps that we had talked about doing. That was going to be a gift this year so I can save postage, do them while they are here and send the wraps with them. I have not gotten a lot done on crafts this year, just couldn't get into it. I always feel a bit frantic and disorganized when it comes to crafts. So many to make and so little time!

Well, I better close and get the day started! Till next time...


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