Homeschooling... by choice

 If you have read this blog for long or perhaps just for fun, maybe read long ago posts then you will know we have flirted with homeschooling, danced with it, tackled it and had it forced on us during COVID-19 restrictions like the rest of the nation. Now we have decided to have a go at it again. This time by choice, no one is angry with the school system, okay maybe a little, but not flaming angry like the first time.

This is random, for months I have thought homeschooling the youngest might be best for her, I didn't dive in because she was at least a little excited to return to friends this year. We did not anticipate a lack of services, but we hung in there until it seemed obvious that services weren't going to happen. I struggled with considering our local school, weighing the pros and cons almost daily. Finally, even though the pros did not outweigh the cons, I gave in and transferred the youngest to the local school.

Almost immediately, we contracted new germs and the whole house was down and out with whatever current bug they had. Then the second kid decided she wanted to go to the local school. She also required services and was not getting them at the school she was attending. The switch was made, and she was in the middle school petri dish. Which, by the way, had even more new germs. A week later we were all down with the flu. I have been blaming it on the constant changing environment at my work and that probably doesn't help either. Regardless of the cause the effect is constant revolving sickness. 

Now, the youngest one should have received services within the first week of entering the new school as they were forewarned and armed with all of the info that I had. Three weeks in and services had not been started. We were in the same ocean with a different boat. Still no paddle, no captain and no life jacket. My heart struggled every morning watching this kid cry and not be able to make it out the door without a complete and utter meltdown. Even the older kid who was getting services immediately upon changing schools couldn't bear to listen to the crying all the way to the bus.

After a ton of soul searching and praying... because deep down I was enjoying my morning quiet, I felt the tug of my heart to bring the youngest home to learn. It isn't all rainbows and unicorns, in fact it is still tears and struggles most days, but she is learning, and we are both doing better. My heart has been tugging at me to bring the older one home too. She has not wanted to leave middle school and I vowed I would not force her.

warrior horses 

This morning, I was making our breakfast before church, and she asked me if she had to go to school tomorrow. I replied she did have to go to school tomorrow, but it could be home school, if she wanted it to be. To my joy and probably the demise of any quiet time for me, she said that she wanted to be homeschooled.

fine motor skill task

Tomorrow, we take the letter of intent to the school and return the chrome book and fill out the silly extra paper that they require. On top of all of that we may have been blessed that the travelers' good friend, who is out here on an almost nightly basis visiting them, is going to need a new place to stay at the end of December. He is also willing to consider living in our other travel trailer and watch our animals when we travel in the money pit.

At first glance it seems like a possible win-win-win. The details will need to be worked out and it may not happen. Something will happen though, and these kids will learn here or on the road. I see another road trip in our new future... weather permitting.

But first... cozy mornings without rushing out into the cold!


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